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  • Topik 1

    Perancangan Jaringan Penukar Panas
    Heat Exchanger Network Design



    • termasuk dalam Rumpun Keilmuan (RK) Perancangan Proses dan Pabrik di Prodi TK S1 Jurusan Teknik Kimia UPNVY.
    • mempelajari tentang teknik mengintegrasikan panas, pengelolaan alur panas, dan perancangan jaringan penukar panas sehingga dapat meminimalkan beban sistem utilitas.
    • bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa sebagai calon engineer dalam pengelolaan alur panas pada jaringan penukar panas sehingga dapat mencapai MER (Maximum Energy Recovery).


    1. Çengel, Y.A., and Boles, M.A., xxxx, Thermodynamic: An Engineering Approach, 4th ed., McGraw Hill, New York.
    2. Hermawan, Y.D., 2005, Design of Plantwide Control Structure of HDA Process with Energy Integration Schemes, Dr. Eng Dissertation of Chemical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University.
    3. Kemp, I.C., 2007, Pinch Analysis and Heat Integration: A User Guide and Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, 2nd ed, Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.
    4. Kotas, T.J., 1985, The Exergy Method of Thermal Plant Analysis, Anchor Brendon Ltd., Tiptree, Essex, Great Britain
    5. Linnhoff et al., 1984, A User Guide on Process Integration for Efficient Use of Energy, Institute of Chemical Engineers, England.
    6. Luyben, W.L., Tyreus, B.D., and Luyben, M.L., 1999, Plantwide Process Control, McGraw Hill, New York.
    7. Stephanopoulos, G. (1984), Chemical Process Control, An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, USA
    I. Introduction
    II. Simple Heat Exchanger Network
    III. Complex Heat Exchanger Network
    IV. Heat and Power System
    V. Heat Pathways Management
    VI. Control Strategy and Design for Heat Pathways Management


  • Topik 2


    1. Review of Thermodynamic Fundamentals
    2. Advantages of Heat Integration
    3. Process Synthesis and Energy Target
    4. Heat Pathways in the Process
  • Topik 3


    1. Heat Recovery and Heat Exchange
    2. Pinch Analysis
    3. Case Study
    4. Heat Exchanger Network Design
    5. Energy Targeting
    6. Assignment-1
  • Topik 4


    1. Heat Recovery and Heat Exchange
    2. Pinch Analysis
    3. Case Study
    4. Heat Exchanger Network Design
    5. Energy Targeting
    6. Assignment-1
  • Topik 5

    III. Complex Heat Exchanger Network
    1. Heat exchange equipment
    2. Stream splitting
    3. Case Study
    4. Network relaxation
    5. Threshold Problem
    6. Revamp and retrofit of existing HEN
    7. Operability Aspects
    8. Assignment-2
  • Topik 6

    III. Complex Heat Exchanger Network
    1. Heat exchange equipment
    2. Stream splitting
    3. Case Study
    4. Network relaxation
    5. Threshold Problem
    6. Revamp and retrofit of existing HEN
    7. Operability Aspects
    8. Assignment-2
  • Topik 7

    III. Complex Heat Exchanger Network
    1. Heat exchange equipment
    2. Stream splitting
    3. Case Study
    4. Network relaxation
    5. Threshold Problem
    6. Revamp and retrofit of existing HEN
    7. Operability Aspects
    8. Assignment-3.1
  • Topik 8


  • Topik 9

    IV. Heat and Power System
    1. Basic Concept of Heat and Power Integration
    2. Combined Heat and Power System
    3. Case Study
    4. Heat Pump
    5. Refrigeration System
    6. Assigment-3
  • Topik 10

    IV. Heat and Power System
    1. Basic Concept of Heat and Power Integration
    2. Combined Heat and Power System
    3. Case Study
    4. Heat Pump
    5. Refrigeration System
    6. Assigment-3
  • Topik 11

    V. Heat Pathways Management
    1. Introduction
    2. Heat Pathway Heuristics
    3. Case Study
    4. Heat Load Traffic Management
    5. Assigment-4
    • Assignment 2019 11 12: TUGAS KELOMPOK PJPP Assignment
  • Topik 12

    V. Heat Pathways Management
    1. Introduction
    2. Heat Pathway Heuristics
    3. Case Study
    4. Heat Load Traffic Management
    5. Heat Link
    6. Assigment-5.1.
  • Topik 13

    VI. Control Strategy and Design for Heat Pathways Management
    1. Introduction to Process Control
    2. FBC examples
    3. Case Study
    4. Process Control of HEN
    5. HPH for HEN Control
    6. Case Study
    7. Design and Control of Heat Pathways for HEN
    8. Assigment-5
  • Topik 14

    VI. Control Strategy and Design for Heat Pathways Management
    1. Introduction to Process Control
    2. FBC examples
    3. Case Study
    4. Process Control of HEN
    5. HPH for HEN Control
    6. Case Study
    7. Design and Control of Heat Pathways for HEN
    8. Assigment-5
  • Topik 15

    VI. Control Strategy and Design for Heat Pathways Management
    1. Introduction to Process Control
    2. FBC examples
    3. Case Study
    4. Process Control of HEN
    5. HPH for HEN Control
    6. Case Study
    7. Design and Control of Heat Pathways for HEN
    8. Assigment-5
  • Topik 16


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